Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Week!!

I have the best friend imaginable. I walk in after work to find my entire side of the dorm room AND my side of the bathroom decorated for my birthday week!! I really couldn't ask for a better friend or a better start to this week. Thanks best friend!!

OH! Did I fail to mention that we are going to see JUSTIN BIEBER in July for my birthday surprise! Can it really get any better?!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If you haven't heard..Turn on Your TV..

Airlines are losing billions of dollars. They just started flights back today.
The volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier sends ash into the air Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


My, My, time flies. I haven't posted in a almost 2 weeks. A lot has happened since then too. Ole Miss Orientation (Hotty Totty!) Mine and Will's 3 year Anniversary date! and I went to Hot Springs, AR.

2 pictures from when I went to Hot Springs. We went to the Gardens. Beautiful flowers!
3 years!! and many more to come!!
Ole Miss Orientation = Horrid.

I do believe that every Ole Miss transfer student had it awful that day. It was rancid. But I am still so pumped about the year! I have made 2 gorgeous friends that I hope to see often. Carrie & Megan! My roomies are also so awesome!! Grace, Bekka, Katie, and Me at The Exchange! Will is going to have his apartment! Life is so great!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last Week

Left to right: Me (LeAnna), Katie, Adam, & Bekka

Last Week I didn't blog any due to the extravagant things that had to be done. Above are the pictures of Katie's 19th Birthday "Kidnapping." I love when my friends are together. It's like nothing else matters in the world.

3 Years!

John Mayer 2010
Disney 2009
Disney 2009
Graduation Party 2008
3 years! April 8, 2007, Easter Sunday, Will & I started dating. Super long time ago! I love him so so much. I love you sweet boy! Can't wait to see what many years to come hold!