Ok, so I guess there won't be a post everyday. But I'll try, no promises. If you haven't noticed yet, the titles of my posts are always quotes. They always will be unless something just off the wall amazing happens. The quotes will always portray what I feel my life is about or should be. I agree with this one for sure though. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." That couldn't be any more perfect if I would have said it myself! I'm the kind of person who is always doing something "out there" or adventurous. I actually feel if I'm not doing something productive that I'm not worth very much.
Well, last time I ended with talking about my friends, family, and Will. I guess I'll elaborate about my education choices. Like I said before, I am a double major with a minor: Secondary Education with an emphasis in Spanish and Journalism with an emphasis in Magazine Service Journalism, and the minor is Environmental Studies. I started out at a community college and picked "Foreign Language Education" but later on I realized I am interested in far more things than just that. I choice education as my fall back plan in case my other plans fell through. Journalism, well I have strong opinions about politics and current events, really I want to work for a magazine like Vogue or National Geographic. Traveling is just something I have done since, well, birth. Places I've been? Lets see..
All over the USA
Both the Walt Disney Worlds
LA, Cali
New York NY
Washington D.C.
Atlanta, GA
Naples, Italy
Capri, Italy
Florence, Italy
Tuscany, Italy
Rome, Italy
Venice, Italy
Lucerne, Switzerland
Paris, France
London, England
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Vatican City
Assisi, Italy
And now most people are going to think, "Oh, she's bragging about where she's been, woohoo.." But really, I don't mean to if it comes across that way. I am just so proud of my many blessings. I have been so blessed to be able to see so many more places and events than most of the people in my community could only dream of seeing. I have been to Europe a couple of times and I just can't find another place like it. My grandmother was Italian, so therefore so am I. I embrace that part about me so much. It's where my love and passion for cultures spawned from. I grew up a little different than most of the people in my small town. I was near my grandmother every chance I got and therefore the culture just rubbed off on me. I just don't think I could talk about that enough. I miss my mema. She was one of the strongest people I knew, raised all 4 of her children by herself, no help from a man, which is probably where I get such independence from. I didn't really have a fighting chance not to be independent, all the women in my family are. Poor Will, I won't let him do anything for me. I always have to do it for myself.
The Environmental Studies minor came from my up bringing also. My family has always been the "hippie" family. We recycle. We eat as organic as possible. We compost. It's just something we do and I think it something everybody should do. The earth is only here fore us to borrow, not abuse. I fight with people all the time for them to realize the choice they make are irresponsible choices. Not saying I'm perfect, I just try to make a conscious effort to help the earth.
I want to do everything. It's like a inner battle with myself to choose things to focus on. I want to travel the world. I want to go to Africa and help people. I want to travel to every country and help people actually. I just can't help it. It's just this hunger that I have to feed inside me.
Current news: I got asked to be a bridesmaid in my friend, Kati's, wedding. I really don't think I could be any happier. :)
I guess I'm done rambling for day. I suppose that is what you do on blogs, ramble about your day and what not. Oh well, Til another day.
"He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity, and honor."-- Proverbs 21:21
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