Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh, blogging, how I've missed thee..

I haven't blogged in what seems like ages. Time has definitely gotten away from me.
Let's see, Things that have happen...

Oh! Brea, Bekka's sister, graduated. Makes me feel super old.

I work at Wal-Mart in New Albany now, come visit me!

Me and Bekka went to see Sex and The City 2 premier at midnight! Love it! Amazing! I hope I look like that at the age of 40-ish.

I never get to see Will anymore. He works at Oxford. When he gets off, I'm going in.

Although, we did go "floatin" today, as we call it. We floated down Tippah River in 3 little fishing boats. Me and Will, his parents, Suzi, Carrie and her boyfriend Dalton, Trina, Benny and Jojo. Oh so much fun. Great way to get back to nature, no phones, no motor, no nothing. Just me, family, and friends having a great time enjoying ourselves. I actually got waste deep in clay mud and enjoyed it. haha!

God might not have told me what I'm doing with my life yet, but he sure is letting me enjoy what I have right now. So many blessings.