Saturday, December 18, 2010

Long Time Coming (Semester Review)

Well I successfully went the entire semester without blogging. I wish I could say that it payed off in my grades, but not so much! This semester was a whirlwind. Many many changes. Many life lessons learned. Highs and lows. Many new friends made. Many Ole Miss games spend with people that mean the most in my life. New accomplishments.

Oxford has become a place of where I feel right at home.

Crossing off the list to shake President's hand.

I was beyond excited. Politics is one of my niches for sure.

I have made new friends that I hope I can get even closer to. Erika is my sister for sure.

Chase is the best by far. Even in the wee hours of the morning ;)

Gabrielle and Adam help make life even more hilarious.

Parties and memories that last a life time with the girl that I couldn't live without.

Random trips that get us closer to death than we wanted. :)

And many many many dress up times for famous Ole Miss football/ Grove Parties.

Many sleepless nights. Many failed tests :) Many long talks with my best friend/sister in the whole world. Summed up, this semester was amazing. I lost a lot of things, yet gained a lot more. I have found myself a clean slate and I am enjoying it.

“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Saturday, August 7, 2010


My life is changing. I am experiencing things and making decisions that are going to impact my entire life. Scary as can be. I haven't posted in a while. Me and Bekka saw Justin Beiber in Memphis. JB, Sean Kingston and Iyaz were there. Along with 3 other singers. It was completely epic. To the Max. Bekka is my complete soul sister. Changes are about to ensue for me. I move to Oxford next Sunday. I'm an adult now. "I'm not scared. I was born for this"-Joan of Arc. I am ready to start looking for internships and study abroads. If I begin to think how much is actually at my fingertips at this young age, I become overwhelmed. I will begin to post more when my life isn't all work.

I don't like this picture. At all. But Bek won't let me not put it..

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Will's Gift

I wanted to show the box I made for Will! He made me a box a long time ago. We put out keep sakes that are small. Mine is full of paper rings Will makes me when we talk about marriage. How adorable is he, right? well hope everybody likes the box. It took a while! :)

I made the top my taking old magazine letters. "Come What May" is the saying we try to love by.

On the box itself, I tore scrapbook paper with printed textures that would interest Will. I used music inspired paper, grass, cork board, burlap, denim. etc. Glued it on the box and then I put a a layer of clear coat to be able to keep it for a long time.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Busy Busy Week

Well, lets see. What have I done since vacation? Oh! Work. That's about it. 

This week shall be a little bit more fun though. Today, I do work yet I don't mind. Tomorrow is mine and Will's anniversary. 3 years and 3 months. We like to call it 3.3. And Friday, the Simpson's have the "Wing-Ding" they hold every year. Should be super fun! Eating, music, family, and friends! 

Will singing at the 2009 Wing-Ding

Friday, June 25, 2010


We got there at 5:30 am for the Hot Air Balloon Festival! I was happy. Will was a little sleepy bless his heart. 

They were absolutely beautiful with the sunrise! 

Later in the week on the way from Gulf Shores, AL to Mobile, AL. I had to beg mom, but we got to go.

Mobile is full of awesome views to me. Great little city. 

 I love this boy! I got to spend a whole week with him and my parents! I lead such a blessed life. 

I haven't wrote in a while, but I believe I'll be back to my writing soon. Not that anybody reads this thing haha! I soon will have so much going on. With work, school, Will, family, moving and so many other things. A month and 3 weeks and then school will begin and the stress will come with it. But I don't mind it. Oxford is going to be refreshing change of life. Going to discover a lot about myself. I couldn't be more excited! 

Thursday, June 10, 2010

2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa!

IT'S HERE!!!!!!
I have counted down the days until this glorious event! Me and my friend, Lily, have been so excited about this that we can hardly contain ourselves!

Viva l'Italia!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Autochrome from 1900


Things like this inspire me. These pictures were taken with autochrome which was the first development of color photography. Photographers in this decade strive for photos like this and this was 100 years ago. If that isn't mind blowing, I don't know what is. Catching people in their environment with different cultures and different ways of life is amazing

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

No zoo...

Guess who's not going to the zoo.. you guessed right.. suck.. Stupid rain. Guess we'll have to wait til next week!

Summer, oh sweet Summer

Well today has been slightly uneventful. I go to work soon, but I can only look forward til tomorrow. Me and the friend are going to the zoo. Bekka hasn't been in 15 years. Oh friend, you are gonna have a blast. In the 900 degree weather. I'm stoked.

I'm off Thursday and Friday so maybe I'll be productive. I sure hate to waste days.

It's raining at the moment. A little summer shower, with the sun shining.

More pictures tomorrow. Maybe even a few funny stories from work. And let me tell you, I've worked there 2 weeks and I already have a sack full of stories. Tip: You don't have to dress up to come to Wal-Mart, but at least wear shoes. Come on now people.

Prayer for the week: Lord you have blessed me with so much. When do I get to return the favor? Lead me to be a servant unto you. I'm ready. I'll accept whatever path you lay before me, for I know that it will be more glorious than whatever I could plan for myself.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh, blogging, how I've missed thee..

I haven't blogged in what seems like ages. Time has definitely gotten away from me.
Let's see, Things that have happen...

Oh! Brea, Bekka's sister, graduated. Makes me feel super old.

I work at Wal-Mart in New Albany now, come visit me!

Me and Bekka went to see Sex and The City 2 premier at midnight! Love it! Amazing! I hope I look like that at the age of 40-ish.

I never get to see Will anymore. He works at Oxford. When he gets off, I'm going in.

Although, we did go "floatin" today, as we call it. We floated down Tippah River in 3 little fishing boats. Me and Will, his parents, Suzi, Carrie and her boyfriend Dalton, Trina, Benny and Jojo. Oh so much fun. Great way to get back to nature, no phones, no motor, no nothing. Just me, family, and friends having a great time enjoying ourselves. I actually got waste deep in clay mud and enjoyed it. haha!

God might not have told me what I'm doing with my life yet, but he sure is letting me enjoy what I have right now. So many blessings.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Patent Leather String-less Oxfords

I'm not very traditional. So I bought these too. Any thoughts?

Summer Has Begun!

Summer has officially begun!
New nail polish called: Do You Lilac It?

Yes, I did buy these outlandish Steve Maddon Neutral Beige Patent Leather 5 inch wedges. It's all about the neutrals this summer and I shall defiantly do my part!

I stand about 6'2'' with these on and poor Will is 5'8". He doesn't like them too much but I've never been one to try to fit in.

This is summer is going to be amazing to me. Filled with pretty toes, crazy shoes, clothes you never find around here and a tan to boot!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Life is so fragile. If is unbelievable how much we take life for granted.

Tyler Sloan, a friend I knew through Bekka who is my best friend, died yesterday. My heart is broken for me, for bekka, for his family, and for all who knew him. It is almost like a dream.

Please take advantage of your life. Tell the ones you love that you love them. Do things that you may never get another chance to do. Enjoy what you have. Explore and never get bored. Life is too precious and short.

We love you Tyler Sloan. You will be missed. We will see you again one day.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Birthday Week!!

I have the best friend imaginable. I walk in after work to find my entire side of the dorm room AND my side of the bathroom decorated for my birthday week!! I really couldn't ask for a better friend or a better start to this week. Thanks best friend!!

OH! Did I fail to mention that we are going to see JUSTIN BIEBER in July for my birthday surprise! Can it really get any better?!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

If you haven't heard..Turn on Your TV..

Airlines are losing billions of dollars. They just started flights back today.
The volcano in southern Iceland's Eyjafjallajokull glacier sends ash into the air Saturday, April 17, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010


My, My, time flies. I haven't posted in a almost 2 weeks. A lot has happened since then too. Ole Miss Orientation (Hotty Totty!) Mine and Will's 3 year Anniversary date! and I went to Hot Springs, AR.

2 pictures from when I went to Hot Springs. We went to the Gardens. Beautiful flowers!
3 years!! and many more to come!!
Ole Miss Orientation = Horrid.

I do believe that every Ole Miss transfer student had it awful that day. It was rancid. But I am still so pumped about the year! I have made 2 gorgeous friends that I hope to see often. Carrie & Megan! My roomies are also so awesome!! Grace, Bekka, Katie, and Me at The Exchange! Will is going to have his apartment! Life is so great!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Last Week

Left to right: Me (LeAnna), Katie, Adam, & Bekka

Last Week I didn't blog any due to the extravagant things that had to be done. Above are the pictures of Katie's 19th Birthday "Kidnapping." I love when my friends are together. It's like nothing else matters in the world.