Saturday, August 7, 2010


My life is changing. I am experiencing things and making decisions that are going to impact my entire life. Scary as can be. I haven't posted in a while. Me and Bekka saw Justin Beiber in Memphis. JB, Sean Kingston and Iyaz were there. Along with 3 other singers. It was completely epic. To the Max. Bekka is my complete soul sister. Changes are about to ensue for me. I move to Oxford next Sunday. I'm an adult now. "I'm not scared. I was born for this"-Joan of Arc. I am ready to start looking for internships and study abroads. If I begin to think how much is actually at my fingertips at this young age, I become overwhelmed. I will begin to post more when my life isn't all work.

I don't like this picture. At all. But Bek won't let me not put it..


  1. Thank you for posting that picture :) I will be sure to print it for the apt! In case you forgot, I will be experiencing all these changes with you. I will be right beside you all the way friend! i love you! :)

  2. I couldn't be more excited about me and you doing this together! I love you too!!
