Oxford has become a place of where I feel right at home.
Crossing off the list to shake President's hand.
I was beyond excited. Politics is one of my niches for sure.
I have made new friends that I hope I can get even closer to. Erika is my sister for sure.
Chase is the best by far. Even in the wee hours of the morning ;)
Gabrielle and Adam help make life even more hilarious.
Parties and memories that last a life time with the girl that I couldn't live without.
Random trips that get us closer to death than we wanted. :)
And many many many dress up times for famous Ole Miss football/ Grove Parties.
Many sleepless nights. Many failed tests :) Many long talks with my best friend/sister in the whole world. Summed up, this semester was amazing. I lost a lot of things, yet gained a lot more. I have found myself a clean slate and I am enjoying it.
“For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gain, you lose something else.”- Ralph Waldo Emerson
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