Saturday, February 27, 2010

"A charming woman is a busy woman."-- Loretta Young

I guess that means I'm a really really charming woman. I haven't sat down to blog in almost 2 weeks now. I have been entirely too busy. I have been helping with a play at school and hanging with friends and being with Will and the family and his family. Guess I just got back to being social again. I'm a loner at heart sometimes, then I have moments like these where I actually try to be normal and not so controlling and anal about life.

School is a drag. I'm just not digging it. I'm ready to transfer out and get this life going! It feels like I'm just spinning my wheels here. I'll be ready for when I'm out getting my life together and not just sitting here studying about stuff that doesn't even interest me. Yes mom, I know college is the best time of my life, and I agree. I just want to start being productive instead of wasting my time. Some days I know what I want to do. Others, not so much. Today, I feel I want to do makeup. Yesterday, I wanted to be a PR rep for Kelly Cutrone, and yes, I will always want to do that. I started another blog about fashion yet canceled it because I'm have a hard time keeping up. I've got to plan this out so it will work out the way I want it. I know God will tell me what he wants me to. I just have to wait and be patient. Hard for me obviously.

Please Lord give me strength to finish this semester.

On a lighter note, I almost bought a puppy again today. I have got to stay away from flea markets.

"Cast all your anxiety on HIM for HE cares for you.." 1 Peter 5:7


  1. Hang in there LeAnna! Patience is sometimes a hard thing for me too. When I'm having a day(or days) where I feel like I'm wasting my time, I try to remember the bigger picture. I know you do that as well. Just think of all the things you are helping with and inspiring other people to do! It really is amazing when you start to think about the impact we have on other people.
    So, don't worry TOO much. God will keep you on the right path. =)

  2. Thank you so much Dason!! I needed that. To know Im not alone and that we're all going to go through the same things helpful.
